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Marriage, Not Dating


Incidence After the Kinsey Reports came out in the early s, findings suggested that historically and cross-culturally, extramarital sex has been a matter of regulation more than sex before marriage. For example, one study conducted by the University of Washington, Seattle found slightly, or significantly higher rates of infidelity for populations under 35, or older than Rates of infidelity among women are thought to increase with age.

In one study by Blow, rates were higher in more recent marriages, compared with previous generations. According to this theory, when people live within environments that are demanding and stressful, the need for bi-parental care is greater for increasing the survival of offspring. Correspondingly, monogamy and commitment are more commonplace.

Mandii and Weezy then jump into the single dating life and being committed and discuss the ups and downs to being free and being tied down. I have a married friend who always talks about me finding someone and not being alone, even though I’m fine. Hell, she sounds miserable when she talks about her marriage! Z Comment by Connie.

Loving the Addict July 16, Carrie discusses her early twenties and the era of being in love with addicts as well as being one herself. She also shares a conversation recorded two years ago, where she counsels a friend from drug addiction to finding life again. Ownership June 2, We live in a time when it’s become so commonplace for people to deflect, blame others and see the world as a barrier to our personal well-being and success.

The Importance of Nobility May 4, We live in a world torn by a lack of priciples, honesty, caring The Spirit of Excellence April 26, Excellence is a term tossed around by many today, but in this episode of Carrie On, Carrie Lloyd emphasizes the “action” element of being a person of excellence. Taped live in front of a student audience at the Bethel campus in Redding, CA, Carrie is introduced by her former teacher and mentor – Katrina. Marriage, Dating and British Accents with James and Lori Burke March 24, In this episode, Carrie brings on good friends, James and Lori Burke to discuss marriage, dating including dating the same person and an examination of good and bad British accents in this free wheeling look at what happens when you do a podcast with no script.

At the very least, it’s highly entertaining. She views this topic as a global issue effecting so many people in so many different age groups that she felt it was time to share her views and advice on something she has dealt with for years as a counselor and pastor.

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